BURNING ANGEL is based on the original idea of psychiatrist Hannele Törrönen, who worked at a mental hospital in Joensuu. The film was Lauri Törhönen’s first long directing effort, resulting in a realistic description of mental illness and the mentally ill.
Törhönen got the idea for the film from psychologist Hannele Törrönen, who worked at a psychiatric hospital near Joensuu. The film was the second most viewed domestically during the whole year. The lead actress Riitta Viiperi was a model by profession, whose choice was criticized, but she also received international recognition for her role work.
For myself, the film was my first experience as a costume designer in the world of theatre films, insight into working methods and filming during the summer in Helsinki.
In the roles Riitta Viiperi, Elina Hurme, Tom Wentzel, Eeva Eloranta (best female lead Jussi – jointly from Zoja and Burning Angel).
Directed by: Lauri Törhönen
Scripting: Lauri Törhönen, Claes Andersson, Hannele Törrönen
Cinematographer: Esa Vuorinen
Music: Hector
Costume Design: Riitta Riihonen (Rask)
Produced by: Skandia Filmi / Kai Holmberg
Photos: Skandia Filmi